June 7 - 8, 2023 (Bratislava, SLOVAKIA)
Sondra Bacharach (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand)
John Divers (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
Marie Duží (Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic)
Graham Priest (The City University of New York, The United States)
David Shoemaker (Cornell University, The United States)
We invite submissions for a 30-minute presentation, discussion excluded. The conference focuses on analytic philosophy. The areas of interest include, but are not limited to modal metaphysics, metaphysics of art and fiction, hyperintensionality, metaphysics of responsibility and agency, modal epistemology, and metaontology. We encourage submissions related to the themes of the project Pavel Tichý on Individuals, Roles, and God (
An abstract of approximately 500 words should be prepared for blind review and include a cover page with the full name, institution, and contact information. Abstracts can be submitted in pdf or doc(x) and should be sent to
Informal queries:
Webpage: and
Deadline for submission: April 10, 2023
Notification of acceptance: April 30, 2023
Conference fee: 50 EUR (a limited number of fee waivers is available; please contact us in advance in case a waiver is needed)
Venue: Central Library of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, v.v.i., 19 Klemensova, Bratislava, Slovakia
Workshop Hyperintensionality and Creatures of Fiction, Myth, and Religion with Daniel Nolan (13 October 2022)

Registration: Attendance is free (in person/ online). Please register by writing an
email to
The workshop is generously supported by the University of Oxford project "New Horizons for Science and Religion in Central and Eastern Europe" and by the Slovak Philosophical Association.

A discussion with Marián Zouhar about divine names (18 August 2022)
A seminar with B. Jespersen (21 February 2022)

A hybrid workshop Names in Religious Discourse
(28 October 2021)

A talk by Daniela Glavaničová on Tichý's individuals, roles, and concepts, and their application in the analysis of fictional discourse.
A talk by Marie Duží on St. Anselm's ontological agruments as reconstructed in Tichý's Transparent intensional logic.